Dr. Jonathan Chan 's Homepage (c) Copyright. All rights reserved.

Academic and Professional Experience


  • Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy Department, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Associate Director, Centre for Applied Ethics, Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Programme Director, M.A. in Liberal Studies and Ethics, Hong Kong Baptist University (2008-2009)

My Research Interests

  • Analytic Philosophy and Chinese Philosophy (Confucianism, Taoism, Chinese Buddhism) in the Context of Religious Studies
  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Scientific Methodology and Religion
 My Undergraduate Courses
 My Research Projects

  • The development of Critical Thinking Web, a web site for the teaching of critical thinking and logic. It is a collaborative project between the Philosophy Department of The University of Hong Kong and the Department of Religion and Philosophy of Baptist University. The project aims to provide teaching and learning resources related to critical thinking and logic for both teachers and students. It is funded by the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong UGC.
 My Selected Publications


    a. Book chapters


    1  Declaration Toward a Global Ethic: Professor Jiang Qing’s Response. The Renaissance of Confucianism in Contemporary China, ed., Ruiping Fan. Philosophical Studies in Contemporary Culture, Vol. 20. New York: Springer, 2011, pp. 153-162.

    2  〈从梁潄溟的“以道德代宗教”之说看宗教对话与全球伦理〉,載於羅秉祥與謝文郁主編,《儒耶对谈:问题在哪里?》(下册)。桂林:廣西師範大學出版社,2010,頁671-84

    3 “Ecosystem Sustainability: A Daoist Perspective.” Environmental Ethics: Intercultural Perspectives, ed., King-Tak Ip. Value Inquiry Book Series. Amsterdam/New York: Editions Rodopi B.V. , 2009, pp.133-146.

    4 〈冯友兰的后设哲学从逻辑分析到形上学〉,載於香港浸會大學宗教與哲學系編,《当代儒学与精神性》。桂林:廣西師範大學,2009,頁165 -174

    5   “Therapeutic Cloning, Respect for Human Embryo, and Symbolic Value.” The Bioethics of Regenerative Medicine, ed., King-Tak Ip. Philosophy and Medicine Series, vol. 102. New York: Springer, 2008, 107-116.

    6  〈《走向全球伦理宣言》:蒋庆教授的回应〉,收于范瑞平主编:《儒家社会与道统复兴》。上海:华东师范大学,2008,页91-105

    7  〈全球倫理與儒家哲學〉,收於李明輝、葉海煙、鄭宗義合編:《儒學、文化與宗教-賀劉述先教授七秩壽慶》,(台灣中央研究院中國文化研究所、台灣東吳大學哲學系、香港中文大學哲學系策劃)。台灣:學生書局,2006,頁297-306

    8     Daoism and bioethics — Daode jing’s doctrine of naturalness and the principle of non-action.” Religious Perspectives in Bioethics, ed., John F. Peppin, Mark J. Cherry and Ana Iltis. Annals of Bioethics.  New York: Taylor and Francis, 2004, pp.221-31.

    9     〈公共理性、人權與生命倫理〉收於甘紹平、葉敬德主編:《中國應用倫理學 (2002)》。北京:中央編譯出版社,2004,頁57-68

    10 〈論自由主義式的商業倫理〉,收於葉敬德主編:《市場經濟與商業倫理》。上海:復旦大學出版社,2003,頁4753

    11 "Taking Moral Diversity Seriously - A Discussion of the Foundations of Global Bioethics." Bioethics and Moral Content: National Traditions of Health Care Morality, ed., H. Tristram Engelhardt.  Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002, pp.235-249.

    12 〈人權理論與儒家思想之整合 個後設理論問題〉﹐陳祖為、梁文滔合編﹐《政治理論在中國》 。香港﹕牛津大學出版社﹐2001 ﹐頁 94-112

    13  Human Cloning, Harm and Personal Identity.” The Moral Status of Persons: Perspectives on Bioethics. Value Inquiry Book Series Vol. 96.  Edited by Gerhold K. Becker.  Amsterdam/Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B.V., 2000, pp.195-207.

    14 〈占取、傷害與私有產權〉﹐陳浩文主編﹐《價值與社會》(第二集)。中國社會科學出版社﹐1998﹐頁66 - 78

    15 〈論金岳霖的邏輯哲學思想三律的可證性與可否證性之問題〉﹐《邏輯思想與語言哲學》。台灣﹕學生書局﹐1997﹐頁95-120

    16  “Confucian politics and Christian politics -- A comparison between Xunzi and Augustine.  Christianity in China: the Foundation for Dialogue. Edited by Beatric Leung and John D. Young.  Hong Kong: the Centre of Asia Studies of the University of Hong Kong, 1993.


    b.  Journal papers


    1.        “Classical Confucianism, punitive expeditions, and humanitarian intervention.” Journal of Military Ethics 11 (2):81-96 (2012). (Co-author, Sumner B. Twiss)

    2.       “The Classical Confucian Position on the Legitimate Use of Military Force.” Journal of Religious Ethics 40.3:447–472 (2012).  (Co-author, Sumner B. Twiss)

    3.       〈论含混性〉,《哲学研究》二OO九年增刊,页15-18

    4.       〈貧窮與人權〉,《哲學與文化》36卷,第7 (20097)3-14

    5.       〈从中国生命伦理学到复制人类的道德问题 个方法学上的省思〉《儒教研究》,总第一辑,2009年卷,223-42

    6.       〈從道家的道德視域看人權與生命倫理〉《中外醫學哲學》,第VI卷,第2期(2008年),109117

    7.       〈从思考方法学看谬误研究以混合问题的谬误分析为例〉,《哲学研究》二OO七年增刊,页217-20

    8.       〈人權與國際生命倫理〉,《中外醫學哲學》,第IV卷,第1期(20025月),頁924

    9.       〈再論複製人─ 一個比較倫理的分析〉,《中外醫學哲學》,第III卷,第4期(200112月),頁924

    10.    Confucian Business Ethics and the Nature of Business Decisions.” Special Issue: Business Ethics in China and Hong Kong. The Online Journal of Ethics (http://www.stthom.edu/cbes/), volume 2, No. 4, Spring 2000. (Solicited and reviewed by the editor only.)

    11.    〈試論儒家之政治理論形態.倫理的政治與德性的政治倫理〉﹐《香港社會科學學報》(Oxford University Press)﹐第二期 (1993年秋季) ﹐頁124-146

    12.    〈名實.言意中國哲學傳統裡的語言哲學問題初探 〉﹐香港中文大學哲學系編輯委員會主編﹐《分析哲學與語言哲學論文集》 ﹐新亞學術集刊第十期 (1993)﹐頁151-160

     c. Encyclopedia article

     "Institutional Global Ethics: Applications", in Institutional Issues Involving Ethics and Justice (Theme Title), edited by Robert Elliot, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) [http://www.eolss.net], Paris: London: Unesco/EOLSS, 2003.  (The EOLSS, a dynamic electronic library, has been developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK. It will mature to its full size of about 70 million words (equivalent to about 150 volumes) through regular editions and updates.)

                     d.  Abstract

     “A discussion on the defense of modus ponens,” Volume of Abstracts for the 10th International Congress of Logic, Methodology of Science (August 1995).



Dr. CHAN, Keung Lap

Associate Professor

Department of Religion and Philosophy,
Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University

Associate Director

Centre for Applied Ethics,
Hong Kong Baptist University



International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine

《 中外醫學哲學 》編輯

Email: klchan@hkbu.edu.hk






















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