Professor Wong Wai Yeung, Raymond
Department of Chemistry

At a young age, Professor Raymond Wong has already made significant contributions to the advancement of research and broken new ground in his areas of work.  Professor Wong is currently the youngest Chair Professor at HKBU, the highest academic rank in the University.  Over the years, Professor Wong has dedicated himself whole-heartedly to pioneering new scientific research and established himself internationally as an expert in organometallic chemistry.  His focus is on the development of advanced materials for organometallic optoelectronics and photovoltaics.  His work spans from innovative basic research to application studies, leading to many seminal papers in top-quality academic journals such as Nature Materials, Accounts of Chemical Research, Chemical Society Reviews, Angewandte Chemie, Journal of the American Chemical Society and Advanced Materials.

Professor Wong is an outstanding all-round scholar.  He has produced more than 300 research and review papers in international refereed journals and edited books.  His scientific discoveries have often been highlighted by prestigious news outlets and journal cover pages.  Two of his papers, published in top-tier Journal of Organometallic Chemistry and Coordination Chemistry Reviews respectively, are acclaimed as being among the top 50 most cited articles during the period of 2005 to 2008.  He also ranks among the world’s top 1 per cent in the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) list of most cited chemists.  His citation count amounts to over 4,700 and his H-index has reached 38, which demonstrate clearly his research impact in the discipline.

Professor Wong’s academic brilliance has earned him a number of international and national awards.  He has recently become the first Chinese scientist to be presented with the Chemistry of the Transition Metals Award 2010 by the Royal Society of Chemistry in the UK.  In addition, he has received the Natural Science Award (First Class) of the Ministry of Education and was named an Overseas Renowned Scholar by Chinese Academy of Sciences, both from prestigious bodies in China in 2010.  He was also granted the prestigious Croucher Senior Research Fellowship by the Croucher Foundation in 2009 in recognition of his outstanding achievements in the areas of functional metallopolymers and metallophosphors.  At the same time, Professor Wong is equally devoted to teaching and he also won the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching in 2007.      

Professor Wong has a distinguished record in securing external research grants including eleven CERG/GRF grants as the principal and sole investigator within a twelve-year period, attracting a total grant of HK$6.46 million.  Furthermore, he is now one of the six principal investigators of an Area of Excellence project “Institute of Molecular Functional Materials” funded by UGC at HK$92 million. As a leading scholar in the field, Professor Wong is much sought after to serve as Chair or keynote speaker in major international conferences.  He has also exhibited remarkable academic leadership in serving on the editorship/editorial boards of many key scientific journals in the field.

The Selection Committee is very impressed by Professor Wong’s innovative research work which is making an important impact on the areas of metallated functional materials and metallopolyyne polymers for optoelectronic and photonic applications in various domains.  In recognition of Professor Wong’s influential and far-reaching contribution to the field, the Selection Committee recommends him for the President’s Award for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly Work.